Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Wanted: Family Physician

What’s wrong with doctors these days? They are no more pursuing a vocation but just a job/career like most of us. They are there to do a job to earn themselves a living. And their specialised trait - or should I say – chosen course of study – is medicine, like others may choose to study finance, engineering, painting, or physiotherapy or massage. That’s absolutely understandable and they have our respect for serving the community, in a way – by consulting and advising and prescribing to all those who approach them.

But hang on... Whatever happened to the well respected family doctor, who took his profession as a vocation, making it their mission to diagnose correctly, advise correctly, prescribe correctly, and most importantly having a caring attitude – to listen and empathise where necessary! You just don’t get that these days right? Did I mention diagnosis – yeah spot-on diagnosis, not plain assumptions and delayed /hesitant/irresolute diagnosis like we have come to expect these days.

With all the advances in medicine and research, we have numerous more treatments and vaccines available to us today. Deadly illnesses are no more considered life threatening – talk about penicillin and its boons. Great stuff. What we still need and want – is the caring, listening, vocational family physician – is anyone still out there?

home n heart         babies n bibs            arts n crafts
I hope – with my effort at creating these blog pages – you will be able to find in here some answers and tips on how-to do a lot of things you would normally want to in the home, including some home remedies and other health information like what to do with kids with allergies, and the sort. So make ensure you visit my page more often. I'll be really glad to read your feedback and opinions.


Mother of 2, wife of 1 (lol nice movie title)

Backdrop: At the doctor’s clinic with an ailing child who dreads the thought of visiting the doctors. Waiting for half an hour now – and that’s not so bad these days. The Dr. doesn’t want to waste time with an uneasy child, so advised us to calm her down while she consults another patient. The Dr.’s back now, checks ears, throat, heart, gives us a container to collect a urine sample and return the next day, and advises us to continue with the increased liquid intake and rest while walking us out through the door – its 5:00 pm and she needs to leave early today!

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